Friday, August 29, 2008

Disspointing Aug....

Yea man... August is my worst month ever this year...Exclude the NDP,the firework and the PPP...ok...Y worst month..? been slacking like a pig this month..wat a malay phase would say: Besarkan bontot aje..but mine nt as bad.. been working alot this months..then the cancel overseas trip..i would b at home all the time..Been Missing alot of Mountaineer training This month ...feaking dissapointing man..Im going to the worst terain mountain and u here skipping training.,...Sigh....

yea.. Since the holiday started, the website above is the only website that i repeatly visit.. over and over again... I have no idea y....maybe tgh boring pas tu buat future planing... Yea u all know.. i wanna go Uni...And RMIT will be my last stop of education before i head to the workforce or getting married...bla bla bla...I must have atleast 25000 Aussie Dollars...kalau nak campur tempat tinggal..makan...Ard 50000Aussie Dollar... Gosh..Price of buat hantaran to a girl...(accoding to today market ah...Hantaran pon ikot market"shake head") But anywea.. will find way to get there...

Yea.. Last weekend b4 the fasting month began..and also.. im starting a new habit next month in everything, lifestyle..and how i spend my next semester and train train train...dah jgn malas lagi puase2 atleast buat 5km per seem it gonna be a drastic changes in my life one more time starting 1 sept...even the radio station i listening now is doing changes..hmm... anywea.. i hope will goes well..

Thats all.. TODAY IS THE DAY I FINISH MY PP>... ITS A MUZ>>>oh ya COMEX SHOW IS TODAY>...Macam nak tukar HP Aku je..

Anywea..This the hit this week.... Most are my fav...

lokman List

Signing off....

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