Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"They Called One of Us 'Mr Teleporter and Mr Lonely' and i wonder why??? They Rock our semester holiday....

Hey there,...Wah can feel the "Balak"(those who don noe check a malay dictionary) Off my back man..The retreat is a great success..although we only have less than a month to organise, plan, and squeeze the budget given to came up with this grand event i think i have work with i so called"THE DELTA FORCE OF EVENT MANAGEMENT" haha.. .hmm let me see..A driver in the morning..( which i drive people around) A delivery man at the afternoon( Fatching people and the food frm all over singapore) and a audio technician at night... ( stuck in the control box ,which we have to break into cuz god know where is the key is and event already bring forward to 1/2 hrs) Did not took alot of pic though cuz busy playing with the Stupid mixer upstair... so manage to get 2 pics...

Me and dearly Liyana...

Stuck in the Control Box with Atie.....

So after that done,... its the Holiday Baby....Hmm how i start my holiday...i went for camp with MCG peeps...and guess wat is at my former work place.. Jalan Baterah

I really miss doing camps.. its the way of release stress after a hard day of school...entertaining the camper crap(esp with pri school kids) Joke around.. Kayaking..and climbing and sleeping in a cold night.. im a nature guy and and i love the nature...

Anywea its with Edgefield Secondary which they are very cute to some of them...Sam being label as Mr Teleporter cuz the kids wild imagination that he could be 2 diffrent place at the same time.. Asri being label as Mr lonely cuz i think kids always seeing him all alone..i wonder y.. hahaha.. Me and Fir..Doing High Elements..2 day straight..Hand of rope burn, Cramp Hip..Stupid small Harness..while the DK Girls doing Low elements...with suhaimi..

Overall We have a lot of fun... that make us bond...let say we start our semester Holiday with a big bang...

Oh ya,, Thank to the school for the Big a Body Shop Box...

After a long hard day of belaying...butt pain sey...
At the end of the day..we ended up on a counfy couch with a can of red bull

The camp really perk me up..but...i don noe..cant stop thinking of it...

Anywea..Camps done..Next week its the 5 days KL trips...Hope more adventure will came up..

Ohh ya.. My buddy old pal frm ITE Rudy juz told me that the council having appricietion nite..cum renuion add to my calender will be looking forward for that..

PAYDAY IS 2MORRO yes ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

Will update after my KL trip...C u Then....

Signing off

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